
    Memory Foam Mattress: Why Motion Isolation is an Advantage

    One of the best features that memory foam mattresses can offer is ‘motion isolation’. It allows you to sleep better and stay asleep even when your bed sharer moves a hundred times. But what exactly is ‘motion isolation’?


    Motion isolation in a mattress is the mattress’s ability to absorb and isolate motion or movement from the opposite or other places on the bed. However, not all mattresses are built to absorb a significant level of motion. Here is a list of mattresses and their ability to absorb motion:

    • Futon and innerspring mattresses are poor when it comes to motion isolation.

    • Air and latex mattresses are near average to absorb and isolate motion.

    • Traditional foam mattresses are average; this means there reduced motion transfer coming from the opposite side of the bed.

    • Hybrid and memory foam mattresses have the best motion isolation, especially the memory foam mattress.

    So, if you are easily disturbed by a sudden movement from your bed sharer on the other side of the bed, you should consider investing in a memory foam mattress, which you can get one here.


    Is motion isolation really that important?

    Aside from getting comfortable throughout the night, there are a lot of reasons why motion isolation on mattresses is essential to several sleepers. Here are the top reasons why motion isolation is critical to the quality of sleep:


    #1: Less to Zero Sleep Disturbances

    Light sleepers are easily disturbed by sudden and small movement from their bed sharer (another person or pet). Either from the shift of positions or getting up for the bathroom, these simple movements from their bed sharer becomes burdensome for light sleepers, especially when falling back to deep sleep becomes even more difficult; this is all because of the bed’s motion transfer.


    Motion transfer on the mattress is the movement shared from one part of the bed to the other side. Mattresses with motion isolation help reduce motion transfer by absorbing and isolating the motion from the other side of the bed. Thus, with less to zero transferred motion, light sleepers would have less to zero sleep disturbances.


    #2: Ideal Sleeping Environment for People with Insomnia

    People with insomnia are incredibly having difficulties acquiring a good night's sleep. Mattresses with high motion transfer can worsen a person’s insomnia. One of the notable advantages of memory foam mattresses is their ability to reduce or prevent motion transfer. For this reason, people with insomnia are often recommended memory foam mattress to provide them a better sleeping environment.


    #3: Supports Pressure Points

    Another notable advantage of motion isolation on the mattress is its ability to support the pressure points such as the shoulders, hip, and back. Since are no less transfer of motion to or from the other side of the bed, the mattress can conform well to the body’s curve and provides better support to the pressure points, reducing the possibilities of acquiring shoulders, hips, and or back pain.


    Who can use a mattress with better motion isolation?

    Everyone can use mattresses with high motion isolation such as memory foam and hybrid mattresses. However, mattresses with better motion isolation are highly recommended to the following sleepers:

    • Light sleepers

    • Couples with different sleeping schedules.

    • Restless sleepers; sleepers who toss and turn a lot to fall asleep.

    • People who are suffering from insomnia.


    Final Thoughts

    Motion isolation offers a better sleeping environment, especially for light sleepers and those with insomnia. However, before purchasing a mattress that offers better motion isolation, such as hybrid and memory foam mattresses, you should also consider your sleeping position, weight, and preferences to avoid unnecessary purchases.

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